To + infinitivo
¿Cómo sabemos cuándo hay que usar ‘to + infinitivo’ (to know, to see, to find etc), y no el gerundio o el infinitivo solo? Puede ser algo difícil, pero hay tres reglas para saber cuándo usamos la construcción ‘to + infinitivo’. Veamos las reglas.
¿Cuándo usamos el to + infinitivo?
- Usamos ‘to + infinitivo’ después verbos específicos, (ask, plan etc.).
- Usamos ‘to + infinitivo’ después de los adjetivos para dar una razón, (happy, difficult etc).
- Usamos ‘to + infinitivo’ para mostrar propósito.
Se usa ‘to + infinitivo’ después de verbos específicos
Want | Did they really want to jet ski? |
Learn | You must learn to behave. |
Plan | She’s planning to take a Spanish course. |
Hope | David hopes to become an astronaut. |
Decide | Don’t decide to leave so soon, please. |
Help | Can you help me to solve this? |
Promise | Our clients promised to make a deal with us. |
Would like | He wouldn’t like to come with us. |
Decide | We’ve decided to try. |
Agree | Don’t agree to stay if you don’t want to. |
Ask | I’m asking you to do it for me. |
Would love | She’d love to join in. |
Would hate | I’d hate to know. |
Wait | They’ve been waiting to see their favourite actor. |
Seem | The washing seems to be done. |
Manage | Could you manage to make an appointment? |
Offer | My employer offered me more vacation time. |
Choose | You can choose to leave if you want. |
Can afford | Henry can’t afford to go. |
Demand | I’m demanding you to leave at once! |
Prepare | Please, prepare to wait, there’s a long line. |
Arrange | He’ll arrange for you to arrive at 22:00. |
Deserve | James doesn’t deserve to win the lottery. |
Claim | Are you claiming to be a charlatan? |
Appear | My bike doesn’t appear to be working. |
Intend | They intend for you to have great success. |
Expect | I don’t expect you to understand. |
Tend | They tend to have an absent mind. |
Would prefer | They’d prefer to come tonight. |
Refuse | You guys can refuse to bail. |
Pretend | Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. |
Se usa ‘to’ + infinitivo’ después de la mayoría de los adjetivos para dar una razón
Happy | My wife and I are happy to give you this gift as a token of our appreciation. |
Difficult | The way the world can be difficult to master. |
Big | You’re too big to challenge him. |
Nice | It’s very nice to see you today. |
Kind | It’s very kind of you to do that. |
Mean | I was being mean in order to hurt them. |
Grateful | I was being grateful to encourage you. |
Proud | They are proud to be my parents in law. |
Surprised | The locals were surprised to see me. |
Anxious | I’m feeling anxious to wash the dishes. |
Pleased | They are so pleased to meet us. |
Sad | I’m sad to see you leave. |
Se usa para mostrar intención de una entidad (persona, animal, empresa), pero no de una cosa
- I interviewed her to know what had happened.
- I bought the vase to give to my mom.
- Mary opened the door to see who was there.
- We’re going to find the suspect to put him in jail.
- I rang my mum to see how she was going.
- You need to study a lot to pass your exam.
- He turned the light on to see better.
Al utilizar la construcción ‘to + infinitivo’, es aconsejable que leas este artículo que explica y elabora sobre el uso de ‘to’ y ‘for’.
Ver también
Verbos auxiliares:
Verbos modales:
Gramática avanzada:
- Artículos (a/an, the, zero artículo)
- Pronombres: sujeto, objeto y posessivo
- Coletillas interrogativas
- Condicionales en inglés
- Palabras interrogativas
- Determinantes
- Verbos compuestos / phrasal verbs
- Prefijos y sufijos
- Discurso indirecto y directo
- Números: cardinal, ordinal, y números romanos
- El verbo: «get»
- Get vs. go + got vs. gotten
- Verbos copulativos
- Oración escindida
- Subjuntivo en inglés
- El inglés vulgar: tabú y jerga
- Elipsis
- Infinitivo partido
- Énfasis con inversión
- Los gerundios (verbo + ing)
- El infinitivo solo
- Diferencias de deletreo americano y británico